Friday, October 2, 2009

Sunday Chat 9-28

Dear Relief Society Sisters,

I hope you've had a nice Sunday. I know many of you were able to attend the women's broadcast yesterday - beautiful as always. If you are interested in watching, it is available to see on I didn't see a place yet for printing it out. For those who weren't there, Enrichment is no longer called Enrichment (or homemaking). Everything is to be called a Relief Society meeting. Just a name change for the most part. I think that we will probably have a lesson or two regarding some of the principles taught there in the near future. My own testimony of Relief Society was strengthened as I listened to Sister Beck describe the important role Relief Society plays in each of our lives. I feel a bit (understatement) overwhelmed to lead such a great group of women in such an important organization, but I feel a certain peace in knowing that we are all supporting and leading each other and the the Lord through the priesthood will give us the direction we need to follow.

I was reading in the Church News this past week an article about President Packer and his 85th birthday. The photo accompanying the article shows he and his wife in their beautiful yard. He noted that 50 years ago when they bought the property it wasn't a property that anyone wanted, but that after working on it bit by bit over 50 years time it has become a place of beauty. When asked if he foresaw his life at 85 he said, "No, I've been preoccupied with what is, what I was trying to do. I did as fine as I could with the work before me. In the course of it, I learned to work hard. I love to work, outside and in." There's such a great lesson there for all of us. None of us can see what the next year, 5, 10, or 50 years will hold for us. We can, however, do the best work with where we are today. Bit by bit, we don't know what a beautiful garden of our souls we may grow over time.

My husband and I have learned a few lessons from our own garden (perhaps why this message resonated with me.) When we moved in it had little yard as well. Bit by bit we have seen how one plant at a time our yard has become a place of pleasure for our family. We planted a small (3' x 3') bush that we liked and watered semi-regularly. For about 3-4 years it stayed the same size. This year it has exploded in growth. I thought about how sometimes we may give regular care to our spiritual lives (prayer, regular church attendance, scripture reading, etc.) and seem to stay in a good, status quo position. But we can't see the roots we are forming through those regular activities which will at various point in our life provide the basis for growth. Similarly, we have a couple of fruit trees. The first year there was no fruit, the second year there was some disease and a couple fruits we picked prematurely, this year we are enjoying a regular output of fruit. Such is the law of the harvest. It requires some regular care and time and sometimes ridding ourselves of some disease before we can enjoy the blessings. And they will yet require pruning and care. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with caring for my yard (which is not huge, but I get overwhelmed easily ) and my soul. I appreciated President packer's wise counsel that all I can care for is what is in front of me now. One day at a time, one church meeting at a time, one personal interaction at a time, one bit at a time. Bit by bit, as we keep ourselves on the path which leads back to our Heavenly Father, we will find ourselves in paradise.

Have a wonderful week!

Love, Sister Dunaway

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